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Garden Managers 

Mike Pisani

Garden Coordinator

14 years ago, Mike founded Daisy Hill Garden and since then has done nothing but make it exceptional. He has worked with kids for 33 years and enjoys teaching them about agriculture, farming, nature and life enrichment. He loves having Farmer's Markets and turning our dirt into your dinner!


Sarah Frost

Web Designer

Sarah has been working with Daisy 

Hill Garden for 6 years. She takes care of all online orders and makes sure the website is up to date with the latest news. Sarah also takes care of all product photos.

"I love Daisy Hill Garden. The vegetables are incredible and products are top notch."  


Becoming a Garden Manager

 Each manager must pass a test about gardening, and then receives special training about all things Daisy Hill Garden. Each manager has their own crew and are responsible for the crops in their garden beds. Every week the garden managers and crews will go out and harvest the produce, tend the compost pile and feed our feathered friends. 

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